Getting Ready for New Season...
It’s coming! 2019/20 is upon us. Lots of new equipment being prepared for the season ahead. Only high quality gear for LYFC.
Getting Ready for New Season...It’s coming! 2019/20 is upon us. Lots of new equipment being prepared for the season ahead. Only high quality gear for LYFC.
Our club is run by volunteers. All of us are parents of children who play in the club and are able to help with coaching, team administration, pitch marking etc. We ALWAYS need more volunteers and to help incentivise more permanent volunteers, and to recognise the commitment they make, we are now offering FREE registration for volunteers!
The details: In recognition of the hard work and time that volunteers provide in support of the club, recognised volunteers are permitted to register up to one child (from their direct family) at no cost (base subscription). Maximum of one free child per family (regardless of the number of volunteers) Volunteers in scope of this policy are: - Active coaches with up to date FA Coaching, First Aid and CRB check. Max two per team. - Active administrator for each age group. Max one per age group. - Child welfare officer. Max two per club - Charter standard officer. Max one per club - Marketing and comms officer. Max one per club - Chairman. Max one per club - Secretary. Max one per club - Treasurer. Max one per club All eligible volunteers must be active members of the club, participating in club events such as committee meetings, fundraising, club-wide events (Coaches' Cup, Christmas Cup) etc We have gaps in many roles, so if you would like to participate more and give back to your community (and have your child play for free!), or have any feedback on this initiative drop me an email Thanks! David Percy LYFC Secretary (And Coach of U9s. And Dad) |
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July 2024