The Fixtures for he new season have been published.
Vanessa will upload these to the Doodle Poll so please select availability as follows :-
12/09 - Dorking Wanderers (H)
19/09 - Milford Pumas Jets (A)
26/09 - Bookham Colts Barbarians (H)
03/10 - Milford PUmas Typhhons (H)
10/10 - Albury Saxons (A) - Cup Game
Vanessa will upload these to the Doodle Poll so please select availability as follows :-
12/09 - Dorking Wanderers (H)
19/09 - Milford Pumas Jets (A)
26/09 - Bookham Colts Barbarians (H)
03/10 - Milford PUmas Typhhons (H)
10/10 - Albury Saxons (A) - Cup Game